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Tatiana Siedlova, Series "Fortune". Played the role.

Series "Fortune". Played the role.
Tatiana Siedlova
Rok: 2015
Rozmery : 100 cm x 70 cm x 2 cm
Maľba, Olej, Plátno
2 250,00 €
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Umelecká škola/Štýl : Abstrakt, Modernizmus, Realizmus, Romantizmus, Symbolizmus, Art deco
Značenie : vpravo dole
Rámované : nie
Reprodukované : áno
Poznámka : Aries Guerrier: "Tatiana, clowns are one of the few encounters we have that either we love or we are afraid of. Clowns can be happy, sad, or just plain scary. We go to a carnival and will see them aplenty. However we do wonder what is under all that makeup, are they truly happy, or do their faces reflect their inner self. I look at this one, and can't help but feel like when the show is over, the first deep breath is taken, there is a reflective moment of the day/evening event playing through the mind. This one kind of pulls at me, as he contemplates his life, where it is headed, like he was born into this, but what else is out there. Just because you travel around the world, does not necessarily mean you have seen and actually experienced it. Very thought provoking."

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